Daily Archives: April 3, 2014

Why the pub trade is like the SAS

DownloadedFileStrikes me the pub trade is a bit like the SAS.  In the old days, both would take on pretty much anybody with a gung-ho spirit, a thirst for adventure, the ability to rough it when necessary, a pair of handy fists and the ability – not to mention the wanton desire – to kill folk in any number of gory ways if that was what was required. These days it’s all different.  Now, while the aforementioned attributes will surely stand you in good stead if perchance you find yourself in a tight corner, something else is the preferred attribute. Intelligence. That’s why I welcome the likes of Craig Webster to the trade.  As you may recall from a previous blog, Craig is the former manager of Lloyds TSB in Tewkesbury and very good he was at it too by all accounts… um, no pun intended (oh, I don’t know though!)  Today he’s the gaffer of The Swan in Barbourne and it strikes me he’s got his head screwed on right as he’s coming up with all sorts of bright ideas to keep The Swan afloat.. no pun int…(oh, but you get the gist).  Running a pub c2014 takes more than keeping your lines clear, remembering customers’ names, hiring twinkly-eyed barmaids ready and willing to show  just the right amount of cleavage to make it interesting, and turfing out the undesirables.  Which is why he’s kicking off his RATS campaign (Real Ale Tasting Society) and is looking at hooking up with Barbourne Cider to create a special in-house draught, brewery tours and other ideas.  It starts tonight at 7.30 with the election of King Rat who will have the final say-so on the beers the pub is likely to be offering over coming months and I might just pop along there meself. Who dares wins, eh?







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Posted by on April 3, 2014 in About

